All about data backup

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Company data protection

The value of a company is closely related to its data production and the information it holds.

With the expanding exchange digitalisation, the volume of data processed and stored by SMEs is increasing exponentially.

Volume increase is driven by a multiplication of device and applications: emails, cloud solutions, laptops, smartphones, USB sticks, external hard drives, etc.

In addition, the ubiquitous use of BYOD can lead to information loss if not controlled

Traditional Backup in SMEs is limited to a server storage of sensitive or important files:

  • Accounting files
  • Document templates
  • Files related to a business application

Backup solutions mainly in place in SMEs

The backup systems in place are still mainly local:

External Hard Drive: strongly discouraged

Pros: low cost, easy to use
Cons: very fragile, support uniqueness

NAS : Network Attached Storage – network storage box

Pros: reliable (RAID), efficient (link aggregation), capacity, scalability
Cons: no outsourcing

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LTO: Linear Tape Open – magnetic tape for storing data

Pros: efficient, high capacity, outsourcing, low-cost cartridges
Cons: fragility, required hardware and software, mandatory human intervention

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These data backup solutions are a first response, but not fully adapted to current usage :

Disadvantages of common enterprise data backup solutions

Cost: increase in backup volumes requires regular software and hardware upgrade due to limited lifetime. SMEs will limit backup frequency, archive history and number of files backed up.

Lack of outsourcing: these systems are vulnerable in the event of a disaster or theft. While tape removal from an LTO system or having a fireproof safe at disposal is possible, those procedure are reserved to large corporations.

Low adaptability: software and hardware systems are well adapted to back up files on a company server, but not suitable to back up email accounts in the cloud (Office 365) or sensitive data from a mobile worker’s laptop.

The ideal backup solution specifications

Back up all your data set, not just a few folders. It is essential to safeguard:

A complete set of company files: administrative, HR management, sales department, etc.

Part or all emails, for legal constraints

Smartphone, tablet and computer data

Database content from different business applications

Cloud solutions Information, such as Microsoft’s SharePoint


Offer you options for a BACKUP PLAN:

Versioning on all files

Backup history

Backups automation

Detailed, daily reports

Meet the required specifications of a backup solution, and integrate tools enabling a fast restoration and business continuity in case of:

Accidental data deletion

Crypto locker infection

Hardware failure

Premises inaccessibility

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Apo’g offers you a computer data backup solution meeting these criteria, specifically designed for SMEs and in line with new usage:

No initial investment

Cost control

Pay-per-use invoicing

Our data backup solution is an essential component of an integrated into a BCP/DRP*

*Business Continuity Plan / Disaster Recovery Plan

Your data is valuable, do not neglect them !!!