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Control the protection of your employees from a single solution.

WithSecure™ protects you on several levels

Trust your IT partner to protect all your endpoints (servers, pc, mobile) with WithSecure™.

The all-in-one cybersecurity platform

The more complex IT security is, the more the user is led to bypass that security.

The WithSecure™ solution provides a solid cybersecurity foundation for your business that is easy to use by both IT and employees.

Prestation Informatique - Technicien APO'G

WithSecure™, European leader in cyber security

At a time when RGPD compliance is mandatory, it is important to rely on a European cybersecurity player.

With WithSecure™ you have a 100% cloud interface, easy to use, bringing together the different bricks of protection.

Their technologies have been certified by independent bodies and protect millions of users worldwide.

WithSecure™, European leader in cybersecurity in a few figures


F-Secure was founded that year in Helsinki, Finland.


of malware is spread by e-mail.


times that WithSecure™ is the only provider to win the AV-Test award for best protection since 2011.

The benefits of WithSecure™ tools and services

Our services, based on expertise around the WithSecure™ Endpoint Protection offering, is to improve the protection of desktops and servers. This provides you with new features to prevent threats.

Community data sharing across all endpoints to prevent zero-day attacks.

Fighting Ransomware and preventing data or devices from being locked.

No downtime with advanced anti-malware and patch management.

Block up to 80% of attacks with automatic patches for Windows and third-party software.

Bénéfices des outils F-Secure

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