Accueil > Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity: not “if” but “when”. Protect yourself!

    By clicking on “Discover our solutions”, you consent to your information being collected as part of our data management policy in order to be contacted and receive information. To exercise your rights, click here.


    The 3 pillars of a well-thought security

    Cybercriminals are targeting your employees. It is essential to train your users but also to protect them.

    IT security in a few illuminating figures


    increase in reports of
    of cyberattacks in 2020.


    of SMI/SMEs are
    are subject to a cyber attack every year.


    increase in phishing attempts in
    phishing attempts in 2019.

    Get help from IT security experts!

    Computer security is a mille-feuille. Layers of solutions to deal with the multitude of attacks. Simplify your life, call on APO’G experts.

    Proactive security approach.

    Securing remote work.

    Qualiopi certified trainings.

    Control of network access.

    Backup (and security) of data.

    Sécurité Informatique - Bénéfices - APO'G

    To protect your data, you need trusted partners

    WatchGuard - Sécurité Informatique


    Historical leader in security with the best firewall for SMEs. WatchGuard also knows how to take care of users through the MFA and EPP and does not forget to secure the Wi-Fi of companies.



    European leader at the forefront of innovation, cybersecurity, and user security. Protect your endpoints now with EPP and Cloud Protection.

    Acronis - Sécurité Informatique


    One of the major players in outsourced computer backup. Locally or in the Cloud, Acronis allows you to back up all your data (VM, Server, files, email, Office 365 or Sharepoint…).

    Any questions?

    Do you opt for the most advanced level of data protection? Or you just have a question…

    An APO’G expert will contact you as soon as possible.

      By clicking on “Discover our solutions”, you consent to your information being collected as part of our data management policy in order to be contacted and receive information. To exercise your rights, click here.

      Our partners

      For 20 years, we have been accompanying our clients in their digital transformation projects with trusted partners!

      Our resources about cybersecurity

      Consult the latest news and our best practices in the field of IT security.